Today – all stake holders of Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu Biosphere reserve Area meet in Bogor. Supported by ITTO, BSILHK conducts the 2nd Meeting of Project Steering Committee (PSC) ITTO PD 712/13 Rev.3 (F) “Enhancing the Implementation of Landscape Management of Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve (GSK-BR) in Riau Province of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, Phase I”. ITTO represented by Dr Hwan Ok Ma and Dr. Soo Min Lee, comes to assist how to handling the Biosphere facing various problems.
The core area of GSK-BR is a realm defined by the lush tropical peat swamp forest and the enchanting presence of a natural “tasik” or small lake. This characteristic landscape signals the abundance of peat domes, serving as crucial ecological balancers, particularly in maintaining the delicate water balance. This region boasts remarkable biodiversity, paving the way for its transformation into a vibrant and competitive ecotourism destination. Beyond that, it holds the promise of contributing to economically sustainable development while also standing as an ideal field laboratory for groundbreaking peatland knowledge – formulating standard, taking from experience of the sites.
Led by Director General of BSILHK, the meeting was discussing current challenges, that use of land is prominent to tackle. Reported, the area faces various threats, including illegal logging, encroachment, poaching, tenure conflicts, human conflicts with wild animals, forest fires, and environmental issues such water pollution from agricultural or plantation activities.
Representative of The Man and Biosphere-MAB also mention about management of core zone. He expects, the project pays attention to the zone. He also invites to all PSC Members to attend the Bioreserve meeting in Wakatobi on end of April 2024 to share experiences from sites.
Many issues raised at the meeting, that challenge to be addressed by all stake holder’s program, including the project. The issues are about contribution to the FoLU Net Sinks agenda, putting standard on the policy instrument, sustainability, IAS-Invasive Alien Species control, law enforcement, community development for health & education, and prominent matter that is cross sector management.
The meeting was attended by representatives of Foreign Cooperation Bureau, Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystem, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Center for Standardization of Sustainable Forest Management Instruments, Center for Standardization of Disaster Resilience and Climate Change Instruments, Asia Pulp & Paper (Sinar Mas), Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center, National Committee Man of The Biosphere Indonesia (MAB), Riau Province Regional Development Planning, Research And Development Agency, Riau Province Environment and Forestry Service, Office for Standard Implementation of Environment and Forestry Instruments Kuok Riau, FKKM Riau, and Cibodas Biosphere Reserve (CBR) Forum. All participants are in same page – for conserving the area.
The meeting also having great honor to Dr Ma for his dedicated works for 27 years to forestry sustainably, dedicated his live for forests. BSILHK also puts hopes the next generation, have similar spirit of works.