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The 6th INAFOR 2021 – Main Plennary

INAFOR  – International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers is the global network for Forests and also environment scientist. It unities more than 2,500 scientists in almost 50 organizations on over 20 countries. Scientists cooperate in INAFOR on a voluntary basis. This is a promising space for sharing research, building awareness also generating network throughout the world, crossing oceans and mountains, beyond those boundaries.


The tropical forest in Indonesia, with highest level of biodiversity, covers only 1.3% of the earth’s land surface, it harbours over 10% of the world’s flowering plant, mammal, reptile, amphibian, birds and fish species, with more than 300 ethnic communities with 742 languages and cultures construct traditional knowledge to manage their forest and living.

Located in low lying areas throughout the archipelago, with tropical climate, blessed as biggest rich of natural resources and cultures with more than 270 million citizens, thus also facing complex challenges in term of various interests, such as deforestation, forest degradation, forest fire, conflict of land tenure, and hydrometeorogical disaster, degraded environmental, waste & pollution, emissions thereby, needs sustainable efforts to restore degraded lands. The 2021, Indonesian Ministry of Forestry would foster 17 agendas, here are rehabilitation for mangrove, combatting deforestation, biodiversity of flagship species, resettlement at forest state, carbon, customary forests, palm in forest, circular economy, restoration ex mining, eco-riparian, mercury and medical wastes and disposal, marine litter, climate resilience, standardization and controlling, modern nursery, prioritized tourism destinations, and handling COVID-19 transmission, also national economic recovery. Thus, governing environment also enhancing climate change disaster resilience would be key for greener future.


International goals – such as the Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs, Land Degradation Neutrality of the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Bonn Challengethe Paris Agreement, and  The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal – calling all countries to tackle deforestation and forest degradation, transformation of how to restore degraded lands, also reducing waste. Thereby, connecting people in the world to build common interest, to build efforts and also to synergize resources getting restoration movement in place. International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers-INAFOR,


Key Messages to transform

The most global problems are degraded environment, deforestation, and deteriorated lands. Environment and ecosystem quality is prompting crucial issues in every global wellbeing resolutions. The conference and all accompanied programs would be expected to engage partners to presents their the latest knowledge and instruments, measuring progress towards environmental solution and actions, disaster resilience, social welfare, enhancing benefits from the forests, also mitigation and adaptation climate change. The other important thing is facing pandemic COVID-19.

Conference streams

The INAFOR  2021 will stream on forest and environment management while supporting Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs, thereby, the general theme may has “Greener Future: Environment, Disaster Resilience, and Climate Change. It is also an opportunity to promote the Indonesian’s and other countries’ work on improving environment on the ground, and to showcase success at the implementation, put sciences is in place. Pandemic COVID-19 is now become a global challenge to generate efforts for survive. The critical given that forests and environments, also broader landscapes are important to stakeholders giving efforts to achieve their SDGs targets.

The five streams have flourished through INAFOR activities and in response to partner’ and participants’s engagement and priorities. These five subthemes form a starting point for the selection of discussion. These streams are:

Stream 1. Emerging Environment Quality for better living

This stream would be discussing how to preventing, handling, also restoring environment quality;  encompass: monitoring air quality, water, coastal water; monitoring of  environment utilization performance of business and relevant activities; circular economy, handling pollution and environment; mercury and medical wastes and disposal; reducing domestic waste and plastic waste; reducing mercury utilization, processing hazardous materials and medical waste and disposal; ex mining  lands contaminated hazardous materials; marine litter coastal and marine degradation.  The keywords: environment quality, circular economy

Stream 2. Managing forest and natural resources, meeting sustainable and friendly Use

The stream 2 would be talking about how to governing forest/natural resources, conservation, biodiversity, and landscape, here are: reducing deforestation, peatlands ecosystem & restoring peatlands, rehabilitation for mangrove, restoration ex mining, reclamation, revegetation, rehabilitation, modern nursery; watershed management; forest products and processing;

preventing biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, restoring habitat and enhancing population of endangered species, eco-riparian, biodiversity of flagship species; preventing forest fire, environment services, prioritized tourism destinations. The keywords: sustainable, health ecosystem

Stream 3. Enhancing resilience capacity of disasters and climate change

The stream will discuss how to protecting vulnerable areas; also supply water in climate risky spaces. The topics may would be also: sensor system, develop realtime monitor, handling post disaster, rehabilitation & restoration in term of disaster, climate resilience, adaptation with disaster, carbon, either hydro-meteorological or climate change disasters. The keywords: resilience, disasters

Stream 4. Engaging social economic of environment and forestry, better social welfare

Discussing to attempt how to achieve social welfare from forestlands, valuing economics of forest, mediation & law enforcement, discussing about social forestry, social awareness and stake holders capacity, resettlement at forest state, forest state & lands distribution, and customary forests, village forest, community forest, customary forest, partnership forest, gender participation, enhancing forest community welfare and the opportunities. Further topics are regulating/institutionalizing natural resources and environment either central or local government permit system, conflict resolution, palm in forest, monitoring, governing natural resources and environment; also would be discussing criminal justice, civil justice, mediation mechanisms for law enforcement process. The keywords: social forestry, economic values, mediation, law enforcement

Stream 5. Cutting COVID-19 transmission, handling health and economic impacts

Discussing to attempt how to cutting COVID-19 transmission, also handling those economic impacts particularly for marginal group. The potential of forest plant species and potential active ingredients as a herbal medicine to increase immunity for prevention & body recovery against covid-19; The impact of handling Covid on the environment; Environmentally friendly handling of Covid

The keyword: COVID-19.

Structure, Time, Venue, and Participants

The conference would be convened on combination   virtual and real room events. The virtual   platform would be broadcasted from FORDA’s main office at Jakarta. The conference would be running at 3 pathways: 1) discussion at plenary and also parallel session 2) exhibition and virtual tours, and 3) photo/video competition. Registered papers/abstracts which presented would be considered to proceed published at Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research-IJFR which has been indexed by Scopus. The organizer committee also offer to publish the registered papers at IOP Publishing.

The conference also inviting partners to held side events in terms with the streamline topics. A digital experiences would also be involved during the meeting. There also invite to bilateral meeting and other negotiation towards potential collaboration on forest and environment

The 6thINAFOR  2021 will be convened on 7-8 September 2021, at Manggala Wanabhakti Building, Jakarta Indonesia and Forestry and Environment Research,  Development and Innovation Agency (FORDA) Campus, Bogor, Indonesia, also FORDA sites office in provinces.

The INAFOR 2021 will arrange collaborations across researcher, institutions, and governments. Audience may have the governments, policy makers, practitioners, academia, experts, youth, gender, journalists, for approximately 3,000 participants, either virtual pathway or real room meetings.


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