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The 6th INAFOR 2021 – Stream 4 : Engaging Social Economic of Environment and Forestry, Better Social Welfare


The tropical forest in Indonesia, with the highest level of biodiversity, covers only 1.3% of the earth’s land surface, it harbors over 10% of the world’s flowering plant, mammal, reptile, amphibian, birds, and fish species, with more than 300 ethnic communities with 742 languages and cultures constructs traditional knowledge to manage their forest and living.

Located in low lying areas throughout the archipelago,  with a tropical climate, blessed as biggest rich of natural resources and cultures with more than 270  million citizens,  thus also facing complex challenges in term of various interests,  such as deforestation,  forest degradation,  forest fire,  conflict of land tenure, and hydrometeorological disaster, degraded environmental,  waste  & pollution,  emissions thereby,  needs sustainable efforts to restore degraded lands.  2021, the Indonesian  Ministry of Forestry would foster 17  agendas, here are rehabilitation for mangrove, combatting deforestation, the biodiversity of flagship species,  resettlement at forest state, carbon, customary forests, palm in the forest,  circular economy, restoration ex-mining,  eco-riparian, mercury and medical wastes and disposal, marine litter, climate resilience, standardization and controlling, modern nursery, prioritized tourism destinations, and handling COVID-19  transmission, also national economic recovery.  Thus, the governing environment also enhancing climate change disaster resilience would be key for a greener future.

International goals – such as the Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs, Land Degradation Neutrality of the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Bonn Challenge, the Paris Agreement, and The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal – calling all countries to tackle deforestation and forest degradation, the transformation of how to restore degraded lands, also reducing waste.  Thereby, connecting people in the world to build common interest, bringing efforts, and also synergizing resources getting restoration movement in place.

The most global problems are degraded environment, deforestation, and deteriorated lands.  Environment and ecosystem quality is prompting crucial issues in every global wellbeing resolution. The conference and all accompanied programs would be expected to engage partners to presents their latest knowledge and instruments, measuring progress towards environmental solutions and actions, social welfare, also enhancing benefits from the forests.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FORDA) is one of the research agencies in Indonesia dealing with research and development in forestry and environment sectors. As an effort to increase the research impact on the global society and to identify state-of-the-art research in the forestry and environment field, research dissemination activity is becoming prominent. Based on this consideration, since 2011, FORDA has committed to hosting the International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers (INAFOR) to disseminate the results of forestry and environment research, development, and innovation in Indonesia. The 1st INAFOR was held in December 2011 and the 2nd INAFOR was conducted in August 2013. The 3rd INAFOR was conducted in October 2015 as part of Indonesian forestry researchers’ involvement at the International Union Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO), where the 4th INAFOR was successfully conducted in collaboration with IUFRO on the IUFRO-INAFOR Joint International Conference, held in Yogyakarta on 24 – 27 August 2017.  The 5th INAFOR was held in Bogor on 27 – 30 August 2019. The conference’s main objective is to gather and share information and knowledge related to forestry research and development among scientists in Indonesia and other countries. Since the benefit of the conference is significant, FORDA has committed to organizing the meeting every two years.

This year, The 6th INAFOR will stream on forest and environment management while supporting  Sustainable  Development Goals-SDGs, thereby, the general theme may have “Greener Future: Environment, Disaster  Resilience,  and  Climate Change“.  It is also an opportunity to promote the Indonesian’s and other countries’ work on improving the environment on the ground, and to showcase success at the implementation,  put sciences is in place.  Pandemic  COVID-19  is now become a global challenge to generate efforts for surviving.  The critical given that forests and environments,  also broader landscapes are important to stakeholders giving efforts to achieve their SDGs targets.

One of INAFOR’s sub-theme is “Engaging Social Economic of Environment and Forestry, Better Social Welfare” would support discussing to attempt how to achieve social welfare from forestlands,  valuing economics of forest, mediation & law enforcement, discussing social forestry, social awareness, and stakeholders capacity, resettlement at forest state, forest state & lands distribution, and customary forests, village forest, community forest, customary forest,  partnership forest,  gender participation, enhancing forest community welfare and the opportunities. Further topics are regulating/institutionalizing natural resources and environment either central or local government permit system, conflict resolution, palm in the forest, monitoring, governing natural resources and environment; also would be discussing criminal justice, civil justice, mediation mechanisms for law enforcement process. Center for Standardization of Disaster and Climate Change Instruments is designing an expo within the INAFOR event to address this issue.

The objective

The objective is to share information and knowledge in forestry and environment research, development, and innovation in Indonesia by focusing on recommendation/policy options in the form of series of the international conference, exhibitions, and virtual tours, and photo/video competitions. It includes overseas work relevant to Indonesian conditions.

The main objectives are as follows:

  • Bringing together forestry and environmental scientists from all over Indonesia, to be internationally recognized;
  • Providing a forum for exchanging information, ideas, experiences, in several states of the art forestry and environment research,  development, and innovation fields for both national and international scientists;
  • Building a strong network amongst researchers and forestry and environment research institutes in Indonesia.
Dr. Adam Tyson
Amy Duchelle
Daniel Mendham

Diny Darmasih

Cell Phone (0812-3656-6767)

Centre for Research and Development on Social, Economy, Policy and Climate Change

Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor 16118, Jawa Barat-Indonesia.

Telephone (Phone): 62-251-8633944

Fax. (Fax.): 62-251-8634924



Fulki Hendrawan

Cell Phone (0857-1855-8555)

Centre for Research and Development on Social, Economy, Policy and Climate Change

Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor 16118, Jawa Barat-Indonesia.

Telephone (Phone): 62-251-8633944

Fax. (Fax.): 62-251-8634924





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